good books to read the nomad experiment

Books for Inspiration, Motivation, & Generally Slaying it at Adulting

Here’s An Ever-Expanding List Of Books To Read…And ReRead

I think something that everyone can agree on is that hearing something from another person’s perspective can be really helpful. Need books for inspiration so you can muster the courage to sell all of your belongings and travel more? Check. Thinking about being an entrepreneur or starting a side hustle? There are books for that. What about just some good old self-help books with a really creative slant to them? Got em’. There are also very important books to help you to value others equally and be a stronger ally.

I’ve read and reread all of these books, and will continue to do so, since many are so full of deep information they require rereading regularly.

About Jason Robinson // The Nomad Experiment

Having not seen his 3rd country until age 40, then diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 42, Jason encourages and empowers others with a fear of travel, or of traveling with major medical conditions, to push through and live an unconventional life.
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Some of these books have really gotten me through some dark times, and others are just good old-fashioned guidebooks for life. Dale Carnegie is truly the OG, bringing it old-school and proper with timeless lessons. Then there’s Mark Manson, dropping new school knowledge bombs…and F-bombs. A little bit for everyone here!

OK. Enjoy! Share with a friend! 

Good Books For The Eternal Wanderluster

With just your own two hands or feet you can probably accomplish a lot more than you think. These stories prove that it’s possible, but it might be scary along the way.

Don’t even know where to start? Women, Men, young and old, it’s all about finding the courage, or sometimes the breaking point, and just doing it. These are good books to read if you just want to get rid of it all, pack a bag, maybe buy a van, and head off toward the horizon!

Tap/click any of the book images for more info.

I reread The Alchemist yearly. And Into The Wild is my kryptonite when I’m becoming complacent and in a rut in one place.

Between the words or the soundtrack to the Into The Wild movie, I can be rattled to my core and shaken into action almost immediately. (I can also break down and cry like a baby pretty quickly…)

READ NEXT: Book Review: The Alchemist, By Paulo Coelho
What Do You Want To Be When You “Grow Up?” — Be Encourageous.

Simple, Quick Read Books For A Quick Hit Of Inspiration

Not every awesome book has to take an eternity to digest. We all need good books to read that can be knocked out in a couple of hours or less. These books have simple, easy bits of motivation and inspiration to get you or a friend out of a funk quickly. I was gifted Rules of the Red Rubber Ball over 15 years ago and it is one of the books I still own physically!

READ NEXT: The Learn To Travel Series: A Brief Apology to Fear
Go Beyond Your Bucket List…Starting Now!

Badass, Tough-Love Books For Inspiration & Motivation

Look. Sometimes we all just need a swift kick in the ass so that we can get off of it and get cranking! There’s a little bit of tough-love motivation in each one of these books. If you don’t like the occasional (…or regular…) F-Bomb, then beware.

Personally, I don’t mind some hard language. Sometimes it’s necessary to help rattle my core and get me inspired.

But if your idea of a productive Friday night is a stern talking-to from that no-holds-barred friend that always gives it to you straight, then read on!

You can check out the updated recommendations here.

READ NEXT: What The Heck Is The Schengen Zone? Travel Europe For Months On End
Fear & Loathing in Las Nomad: Admissions Of A Wannabe Nomad

Books For Being A Better Human & World Citizen

This area of learning has been quite uncomfortable for me. But the beauty of discomfort is that it typically signifies heavy growth. For most of us, nomatter the background, it takes years to re-wire much of the dogma we’ve come to believe. It is equally uncomfortable to begin to impliment positive change internally and externally once we realize it’s beyond necessary.

These are really good books to read, and will definitely help.

That said…much of the work is still ahead of us once we close the covers. 

Tap/click any of the book images for more info.

OG Books—Timeless Books for Inspiration & Life-Hacking

Here are a few of the old-school, awesome, really good books to read for when you need timeless wisdom. The Total Money Makeover literally helped me get out of $50k in debt at one point in my life. Good advice doesn’t age. 


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