Hiking Journal & Logbook:
Hiking With Diabetes Edition
A 52-Hike / Trail Journal & Hiking Logbook
With Blood Sugar Logs, Designed Specifically For Hiking With Diabetes & Diabetes Management On Trail
Hiking makes managing glucose levels even more complicated, especially when factoring in recent exercise, pack weight, intensity, elevation, weather, and so many other variables involved when hiking.
Tracking these details… then evaluating and learning from them…is really important!
This hiking journal & logbook is designed specifically for those living with diabetes, especially type 1, with prompts and space to track exactly what we need to pay attention to so that we can learn from and improve our blood sugar management on the trail.
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52 Trail/Hike Entries With Detailed Notes
About Jason Robinson
Jason is the author of “The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad,” as well as the voice behind the words and the eye behind the lens for The Nomad Experiment. “Planning to travel at some point” wasn’t actually getting the job done, so nearing 40 he decided to make it a priority, nomatter how scary that was. A few years later—through the pandemic and a type 1 diabetes diagnosis at age 42—now living a life of nomadic travel, he’s speaking out to encourage others of any age, or with any serious medical diagnosis, to live an unconventional life.