Adulting Is The Worst, Right!? Well, Not Really. A Lot Of Times Life Is Exactly What We Make It!
Of course, I am still a little pissed at all those adults from my childhood that had me planning on a life where hopes & dreams pay the bills someday. Well-played growedups, well-played. This page is the home for all the articles that might fall into that spectrum of adulting. Learning from everyday occurrences about how to do better tomorrow. Budgeting and finance stuff? Yep, that’s adulting to the max. Relationships or work hurdles? Home-ownership, or even maybe selling that sombich and buying a van?
Yep. Been there, over-analyzed that.
Some of these things aren’t sexy on the surface, but they’re things we have to go through in life. Have fun!
Human Being Or Human Doing? Burnout, Acceptance, & Recovery: Reprogramming A Toxic Productivity Mindset
Burned out by hustle culture? Forgot what true play feels like? See how I faced toxic productivity, embraced balance, and reclaimed a life of mindfulness and play.
Should I Put My Stuff In Long-Term Storage To Travel? No. No. No…NO!
Long-term storage “solutions” are almost entirely an “American” thing. Check out just how much money we’re spending on this industry…and how it could be better spent on long-term travel!
You Are The Average Of…For The Digital Age—Taking Control Of Your Circle of Influence
We can no longer believe our circle of influence only includes the people in front of us. With the digital age it’s grown much, much bigger. Here’s where to look and more importantly how to take action so you know that your circle of influence is the strongest it can be.
Passports Are Overrated? One Of Those Days… And Moving On To Make The Best Of It
A missing passport, botched insulin site change, alarm fatigue, and attempting to make lemonade out of lemons—all before 9am
UPDATED: 18 Safe Traveling Tips For Newbies—Keep Yourself Safe & Reduce Your Travel Anxiety
Some travel anxiety is normal if you’re new to international travel. These safe traveling tips will help reduce that fear & keep you safer!
The Little Things Matter: The Best Compliment I’ve Ever Received
Stop letting the little things be little things; give them the importance they deserve. Your impact on others—and credibility—depends on it.
Analysis Paralysis? Rigid Plans Are Overrated—BackUp Plans For The Win!
Have you ever thought about making your backup plan your main plan? This mind shift could change your life! Stick with me here…
Go Beyond Your Bucket List…Starting Now!
First things first. I don’t really have much against bucket lists. But a life and travel “before” list works so much better for getting things done! Here’s why…and how to start your “before” list today!
The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad—Get The Book!
This book—The Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad—is full of motivation, inspiration, and practical steps to finally get you traveling!
Learn To Travel Series: Time; Your New Travel Bestie
When it comes to travel, Time is your new best friend! Learn how better time management can reduce new traveler stress and increase success!
The Learn To Travel Series: The Power of Words; Redefining Your Wants & Needs
Tough love time. Most of your “needs” are really wants. Learn the difference and make sure you’re treating them that way!
The Learn To Travel Series: A Brief Apology To Fear
Before getting to the meaty bits of travel, it’s important to look at the good parts that can actually make Fear a solid wingman…or woman.
What Do You Want To Be When You “Grow Up?” — Be Encourageous.
Find the strength and courage to use your gifts to encourage others to be brave and courageous enough to use their gifts. Be Encourageous.
Today’s To-Do List: Inspire & Be Inspired
Out of the gates we can likely file this under “Gross Oversimplifications.” But at the end of the day, can it be OK just to want to inspire & be inspired?
If The Eyes Are A Window To The Soul…
They say the eyes are a window to the soul, but what happens when you close that window off? On a walk through Mexico I started realizing…
Part 6: TRAVEL Disengaged…COVID-19 & the end to my first year as a digital nomad
Let me just disclaimer this by saying that I literally can’t begin to understand the hardships that Covid-19 is causing so many people. I just wish it wasn’t happening. The whole reason I want to travel more is to open my mind and heart to more to people around the world…
Part 5: Digital Nomad, Slow Travel Life In Queretaro, Mexico. Well, At Least For 2 Months.
I wanted to go live and work somewhere outside of the U.S. for a couple months—A bonafide digital nomad, slow travel life. Enter Queretaro, Mexico…
Part 4: Year 1 As a digital nomad – Life Lessons Learned While Solo Backpacking Europe…
Starting the year I’d traveled to only 3 other countries—this 2 month trip added 7. Digital nomad engaged & lots of lessons learned; here are just a few…
Part 3: Year 1 As a Digital Nomad – Life Lessons Learned While Bedside as My Grandpa Passed On
…My dad texted me and said I needed to get to Charlotte, and my Grandpa passed away a week later. Lots of life of lessons that weren’t part of the plan…
Part 2: Year 1 As A Digital Nomad – Lessons From the Great U.S. National Parks Road Trip
1 Year a Digital Nomad Part 2: Lessons From My 2 Months U.S. National Parks Road Trip
Vacation Thinking vs. NOMAD Thinking — Changing the way you think about travel as an aspiring nomad
Changing the way you think about travel is really important if your goal is to be a full-time nomad. Changing from “Vacation thinking” to “Nomad Thinking” sooner rather than later will help!
Lessons from My First Year as a New Digital Nomad – Sell It All!
One year ago I sold my house and this whole “Experiment” really got interesting. Here’s the backstory and lessons learned along my crazy first year as a for realsies Digital Nomad…
Society, You’re A Crazy Breed… Permission To Be “Flakey” & Change Your Life.
…the unfortunate part is that a lot of time it’s pretty unclear that the voices in your head aren’t necessarily your voice, it’s the voice resonating that societal imprint…
Is Life An Adventure Anymore? Reflections from Camping in Cathedral Valley in Capitol Reef National Park
Last night I fell asleep with the Jeep door wide open as I lay watching the nearly full moon illuminate my world at over 7,000ft, camping next to Cathedral Valley in Capitol Reef National Park. That wasn’t the plan. There was no plan, really…
Yesterday I had to Use My NOLS Wilderness First Responder Training…
While I’m glad I’m trained as a NOLS Wilderness First Responder, I never wanted to actually be in a situation to use the knowledge. Yesterday I was.
“Burn The Boats?” The Problem With Inspirational & Motivational Quotes
Here’s the thing. That hypothetical army didn’t just randomly find boats or have the boat fairy drop them off. To burn the boats you must first have boats…
The Problem With Words…
A line about writers, and the problem with their words, in one of my favorite Woody Allen movies always cuts to my core. The love story of Gil and…
I Never Really Understood Elsa’s Song…Until I Had A “Camp Moment” On A Flight Last Night
Last night, in a moment where I thought camp was the furthest thing from my mind, I had another growth moment thanks to my camp family and Elsa’s song from Frozen…
(Nerd Alert!) Buying A Wall Map of the World Helped Completely Change My Travel Perspective
Nuggets include: “I’ll take the dum-dum card,” “back when I was a kid,” and mentions of an old school Chevrolet Station Wagon. Sorry, no woody sidewalls.
Your Ignorance Is Not My Problem. I’m Still Dealing With Overcoming My Own…
A quick realization about my own ignorance. And a reminder that we need to concentrate on personal growth & improvement before that of others…
Adulting 101: How To Be A Better Human In 4 (Not So) Simple steps
The cool thing about these steps for how to a better human is that they’re pretty much steps for leveling up at life in general. But easy? No, not really…
Paul Newman’s Own Shameless Exploitation: Doing It All For The Kids…And Serious Fun!
Paul Newman is a legend, but for something much larger than his movies. Over $550mil towards “Serious Fun” camps for kids with serious illnesses to start…
I Just Got Schooled on Adulting by a Person Half My Age — YouTuber JennXPenn (Jenn McAllister)
Youtuber JennXPenn, in her book “Really Professional Internet Person”, just schooled me hard on adulting…and it was a cool take, coming from a 19yr old…
The Life-Changing Decision Of Being A Peace Corps Volunteer…
Truth be told I think about a lot of stuff! The decision to join the Peace Corps for 2+ years is a pretty big decision, so let the analysis paralysis begin!
Rockstar Interview: Kat Butler of WorldWide Honeymoon
Kat finally took the plunge and ditched the 80-hour “day job” to chart her own course. The motivation for change was strong, but huge life changes aren’t ever easy…
“Human Happiness & Contentment”- 100 year old Buzzwords of the Future…
Napoleon Hill was an OG as it comes to personal development and self-improvement. His words on work/life balance are eerily poignant nearly 100 years later…
Monumentous Moments, Inspirational Ninjas, And What My Year In Review Has Been Missing
Have you ever done a personal year in review, or an annual review? I have, but I wanted one with “more badass”, so I made one. Here you go, it’s all yours!
My First Digital Detox…Or…Crazy Things Happen When You Can Hear Yourself Think.
Screen time and device addiction has been cooking our brains and totally screwing our wavelengths and whatnot lately. Might be time for a one day detox…
Life Lessons From The Barbershop & The Subtle Art Of Being On Time.
I’ve noticed so many times over the years that the barbershop is an amazing place. So many good (and bad) life lessons and metaphors for life to be found…
This Must Be What Matthew McConaughey Feels Like…An Ode To “Bad Drivers”
Bad drivers can really drain you, but learning to channel your energy is a step towards something magical. Alright, Alright, Alright…
The Sweet Ass Domination Deck: A Tough-love, Fun Motivational Quote & Self Help Fest
Looking for some fun, tough-love motivational quotes or just the craziest, non-conventional self help fest you’ve ever seen? Well, enter Rage Create…
My Overdue Gift to Mother Nature…Installing LED (vs. CFL) Light Bulbs
It was well overdue. I finally did the math & research on LEDs vs CFLs, then quickly switched out for LEDs. You should too…Mother Nature abides, dude.
Admitting Defeat…For The Win! Leaving The Yucatan Peninsula 10 Days Early.
I loved Merida and the Yucatan Peninsula, but it kind of kicked my ass this time. Sometimes we have to make hard choices, or admit defeat, to save our sanity!
“I Love You” And Other Things We Choose Not To Say…
Heads-up: this is my vulnerable (drunk?) side. It could get awkward. That said, I really do think we need to say “I love you” more, before it’s too late…
Sometimes Solo Travel Can Suck – Here’s How To Make It Suck Less
It’s true: Solo travel can get lonely. Having the freedom to make your own rules can be a blessing and a curse! Here are some tips, tricks, and apps you can use to make your next solo travel trip a little more social!
“Experimenting” With Your Travel Goals
Travel and life goals are important, but if you start to try little “experiments” to go along with them you might find that the results are a bit better! Here’s a little hack I’ve been working on for you to use in your own experiment…
Fear & Loathing in Las Nomad: Admissions Of A Wannabe Nomad.
A funny thing happens when you fake it til you make it and go down an unknown path with reckless abandon; people actually think you have your shit together…
Philly, PA USA – “You’re thinking of going to Philly? Don’t.” …And Other Annoying Things People Say
Took my first trip to Philly recently and, regardless of the “advice” tossed at me by countless people, I thought it was pretty bad-ass! Check it!
Home Ownership: 12 Bullsh*t Reasons I Still Own My House…
If you ponder whether traditional home ownership is right for you or your own “Nomad Experiment”, then hopefully this batshit crazy rant might help…
Can You Be Part-Time Location-Independent?
Not ready to be a total nomad, situation makes it tough? Have you ever thought about going part-time independent? It might start with your dojo…
Getting Rid Of “Just In Case” – Next Level Simplifying
If you’re trying to get rid of the “clutter” in your life, you’ll run into it too. Eventually you’ll have to decide to part with the “just in case” stuff…
When Budget Travel Plans Go Bad: How And When To Cut Bait
If you’re going to travel cheap, you better be ready to go with the good and the bad and to make some adjustments on the fly. This is one of those stories…
Cheap Cities Equal Cheap Travel. (Ummm. Duh?)
Common sense isn’t always so obvious, oddly. Cost of living is a great place to start when thinking about cheap travel. Just ask Mr. Google…
Vanlife Diary: My Van Is Only As Creepy As You Make It
I recently bought a used, 1985 Chevy G10 Camper van to quickly get on the road. To say the least, the outside opinions have been…disparate? Here’s how…
Yesterday, I Almost Bought A Van. Almost.
Yeah. Yesterday I almost went full nomad and bought a van to build out. Almost. But the experience really gave me some helpful brain-spansion…
Truth Be Told… I’m Scared Sh*tless I Have No Idea What I’m Doing…. (Dealing Big Life Changes…)
Thinking about making a major life, job, or complete career change and all puckered up and scared of what may happen? Been there. I had to make a huge decision to get closer to my travel goals. My advice; just do it. You’ll get by with a little help from your friends, like I did.
Do I sound as monotone as I look? Minimalism…engaged—starting with your clothes
Are you flirting with minimalism? Just do it! Pulling off the “purge” band-aid only hurts for a second, but the results can be liberating!
Bucket Lists Are A Little Bogus – Try A “Before List”
Do you have a bucket list? Maybe consider changing that into a “before” list instead. You’re bound to get things done quicker and come up with even more for your next chapter!
Digital Nomad 101: Coworking – 5 Reasons to Start Now
In recent years I had been introduced to the concept of coworking, having attended many professional and networking events hosted in coworking spaces, but it wasn’t until about a year ago that my eyes were truly opened…
How to Make a Kickass Online Travel Profile
These days, nearly everyone has to have an online profile, but most people don’t have a GOOD online profile…
Junkmail is Evil. Save the Trees!
Tired of feeling like you’ve indirectly butchered a tree each day you go to your mailbox? I used to feel the same way, until I went a little batsh!t crazy one day and got vigilante…
How Not to Suck at Craigslist – Selling
Are you a Craigslist Ninja? If not, start here to save yourself some pain and suffering on your next sale. Let’s start minimizing!
You Might Have Too Much Underwear.
Thinking about minimizing? Well, it starts with my underwear… Yep. It’s getting weird. You could probably use to purge a loincloth or two as well…