Book Resources — The Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad
Welcome to the massive book resources compendium for the Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad!
If you’ve read The Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad, you know that it scratches the surface of a ton of travel tips and tricks. It also gives a taste of how taking basic travel tools to the next level can lead to a life as a digital nomad, should that be a step you want to take.
But if I would’ve included all of the content I wanted to in the book, the book would have been massive!
This book resources page references many ideas that wouldn’t fit into the book—and it just keeps growing.
This is where you can jump to one of the six parts of the book, scroll to an exact chapter, then deep dive into additional resources to your heart’s content. Some of these travel resources are links to other articles on The Nomad Experiment website, whether technical or just anecdotal, so you can get deeper on a topic. Other times they might be links to recommended products, services, or other travel articles. Go ahead and dive in!
And if you haven’t got The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad yet…you can get that here.
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Introduction Section Resources
Words of Welcome…
How To Win Friends & Influence People (Book by Dale Carnegie) – Original Gangster. While this is a lot about sales, it’s also a lot about just showing interest and engaging with others. Must read, and sold bajillions of copies.
Why Is Travel So Important?
“Truth Be Told, I’m Scared Sh*tless…” Article – The early days of changing my life and getting into travel, come hell or high water.
The Alchemist (Book by Paulo Coelho) – One of my favorite go-to, short reads when I need to slow down and be inspired by the journey.
Never Skip Leg Day!
Forrest Gump – Because it’s never a bad time to watch Forrest Gump. Holmes has perspective in check…
Get Your Mind Right — Book Section 1 (Chapters 1-7)
Book resources for Part 1 of The Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad…digs into some of the mental and emotional things you’ll experience and how to deal with it all when you’re going against the grain of society by making travel the main goal with which the rest of your decisions are guided. It has some tough love and tips to digest before you get into the functional, meaty bits of the book.
Chapter 1 – An Apology To Fear
Meltdown in the Redwood Forest – Video about the day I had a meltdown because I was letting the fear gremlins get to me…and how we often know the steps to take, but just need to actually take them.
The Sweet Ass Affirmation Deck – (60 Hilarious, Unfiltered Affirmation Cards To Brighten Your Bad Day In 10 Seconds Or Less) – My Buddy Heath Armstrong’s awesome creation. Kick those resistance gremlins in the…
Chapter 2 – Life Is Just One Big Experiment
My Experiments – An ever-growing list of some of the craziness in the early days, for you to get some inspiration.
Chapter 3 – Blips On The Timeline Of Life
Video about selling my house and the realization that these “big” decisions aren’t always necessarily as big as we make them out to be. (Subscribe and share!)
That B*tchin’ Blue Camper Van I bought to test van life! (And what all the lovers…and haters…thought.)
Chapter 4 – Stop Buying Dumb Sh*t!
Total Money Makeover – The book that changed my life and helped me get my financial sh*t straight!
Chapter 5 – Going Beyond The Bucket List
The Original Article – The one that inspired this chapter, with some elaboration from “5 years ago Jason…”
Chapter 6 – Jason Moore On Creating A Nomadic Lifestyle You’ll Love
The Zero to Travel Podcast – Jason Moore’s amazing podcast, and one of the reasons my life changed so much!
The Location Indie Community – Surround yourself with like-minded people, especially when you’re going against the grain.
Nothing Personal, But Let’s Get Personal — Section 2 (Chapters 8-13)
Book resources for Section 2 of The Beginner Traveler’s Guide to Going Nomad…starts with number 1—that’s you! It identifies some internal rewiring and perspective shifts that will help you along the way. Mostly about you being real with yourself, but also with the people and influences around you so that you can set yourself up for success as you dig into travel.
Chapter 8 – Thinning Your Herd & Strengthening Your Pack
Need more support from people looking to travel more or make travel the priority in their life? Buy some friends a copy of the book and make a mini-book club and work together! Instant mastermind! Or check out Location Indie, a community full of people working at it in real-time!
Chapter 9 – You Are The Average Of…For The Digital Age
How To Win Friends & Influence People (Book by Dale Carnegie) – Original Gangster. A must-read, and sold bazillions of copies worldwide. (That’s only an estimate. Could be kajillions…)
You Are The Average Of…For The Digital Age—Taking Control Of Your Circle of Influence
Chapter 10 – Redefining Your Wants & Needs
Media Bias Charts – So you can check your news sources and switch to one that’s more middle of the road if you’re currently getting skewed news.
Audiobook Apps – Hoopla, Libby, Cloud Library
Streaming Knowledge & Sources – Skillshare, National Geographic, Curiosity Stream, The Nomad Experiment YouTube
Lots of Nerdy Numbers, charts and graphs about average American yearly spending.
Chapter 11 – Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Words
Nerdy article about words that mentions things like Quantum Physics and elementary particles. It’s a little woo-woo, but if you truly believe in the science of what our body is made of, it’s a cool read with validity.
Find out how much time you might have “wasted” watching your favorite shows or movies.
Food waste in America PDF from the EPA
Subscription services: how much Americans spend…and waste…by not using what they’re paying for.
NPR Article about violent gun death statistics between the U.S. and other countries. Don’t skim; the details, comparing. and contrasting is where the gold is at here.
The Little Things Matter: The Best Compliment I’ve Ever Received
Chapter 12 – Tracking Your Monumentous Moments
One of the ways I track monumentous moments and goals.
Let’s Get Traveling Already! — Section 3 (Chapters 14-34)
Book resources for Part 3 of book…finally gets into the real reason you’re here! Getting you off of the beginner travel mark and giving you the tools to go from beginner to skilled traveler. This is the biggest chunk of the book by a long shot. This section is compiled of many of the methodical baby steps, travel tips, and tricks that I used while I was going from never-traveled to full-time nomad in only a few short years!
Chapter 14 – Get Your Passport To The World Now!
Get or renew a U.S. passport – Travel.State.Gov
Information on TSA PreCheck
Chapter 15 – What Exactly Is A Tourist Or Travel Visa?
Research international travel destinations and passport and visa requirements here.
Chapter 16 – Defining Your Travel Dealbreakers
The full story about choosing to cut my Merida travel 10 days short.
Chapter 17 – Take Your “Want To Go” Lists From Local To Worldwide
Deep-dive articles on how to set up your travel wish lists for Google Maps on desktop and mobile.
Hot Tomato Pizza in Fruita, Colorado. (Tell ’em I sent ya!)
Queretaro, Mexico – Tons of places for you to add to your travel list!
Chapter 18 – Time—Your New Travel Bestie
That one time I lost out on $2400 in flight vouchers because I actually checked my carry-on!? WTF!?
The International Date Line and how you can get a day back…kind of.
Learn To Travel Series: Time; Your New Travel Bestie
Chapter 19 – “Be Careful…That Country Is Dangerous!”
The Global Peace Index – Ranking of countries sofar as peace index goes. Check out other maps including U.S. states!
U.S. Dept. of State travel advisories color-coded map.
Chapter 20 – Learning…And Using…The Language
Essential Spanish phrases for your next trip to Mexico.
Chapter 21 – Yep. There’s An App For
Accommodation Apps: HostelWorld to research and/or book hostels (they often have free cancelation),, Hostelling International…
The currency converter app I use: Currency Converter Plus
Travel Insurance: Insure My Trip, SafetyWing, World Nomads, Travel Guard
VPN: Express VPN, Surfshark VPN
Virtual Mailbox App I use, and a deep dive article here
Flight Research Apps: Skyscanner, Orbitz,
Chapter 22 – Invest In A Good Password Manager App
Password Manager Apps: 1 Password, Lastpass, Dashlane
VPN: Express VPN, Surfshark VPN
Chapter 23 – Money, Moneeeeyyyy…And Exchanging It
The currency converter app I use: Currency Converter Plus
Checking account/card that reimburses international ATM Fees for cash withdrawals
Chapter 24 – The Big Section On Airport Basics
Furiously Happy – The hilarious must-read book by Jenny Larson
U.S. Homeland Security Trusted Traveler Programs website (PreCheck, Global Entry, etc.).
Chapter 25 – Does “Customs & Immigration” Make You Twitchy?
U.S. Customs & Border Patrol website and information.
Chapter 26 & 27 – Don’t Dress To Impress! / Buy Smarter Clothing & Gear
The anti-theft backpack maker I use, hidden belt wallet I use.
UPDATED: 18 Safe Traveling Tips For Newbies—Keep Yourself Safe & Reduce Your Travel Anxiety
Chapter 28 – Showing Up With A Basic Action Plan
HostelWorld site for hostels that often have free cancelation—so you can at least have a place to stay while you look around during your first night or two in a new travel destination!
I use Google Fi cell service, since it’s hella cheaper when traveling internationally, and I usually use it only on wifi, which means no additional data spend.
Analysis Paralysis? Rigid Plans Are Overrated—BackUp Plans For The Win!
Chapter 29 – Go Manual With Your Emergency Plan
Video where I talk about the parkour noob experience and show my actual, physical piece of paper with my deets and manual travel action plan for a two-month trip across Europe.
Chapter 30 – You Should Have Travel Medical Insurance!
Travel insurance providers and where to start doing your research: Insure My Trip, SafetyWing, World Nomads, Travel Guard
Travel Medical Insurance, Pre-Existing Conditions, & Type 1 Diabetes
Chapter 31 – Yep. Start Embracing All Forms Of Transportation
12 Beginner traveler tips for your first time at international bus and train travel.
Getting around Mexico by long-distance bus, from my first trip to Mexico experiment!
Nerdy article I wrote about the Minneapolis Public Transit system after it topped my list of awesome transit systems I’ve experienced!
Chapter 32 – Just Say Yes!
Article I mentioned about when I nixed all of my clients and the fear induced as a result…along with the freedom.
The view from Maximilian’s (Chapultepec) Castle in Mexico City.
That $10 solo round trip to Kutna Hora, from Prague, to see the “Bone Church.”
Chapter 33 – When In Doubt, Go With Your Gut!
Travel insurance providers and where to start doing your research: Insure My Trip, SafetyWing, World Nomads, Travel Guard
An article about the time I went with my gut and decided to get a hotel for a night instead of staying in the hostel that I was getting a bad vibe from.
Top Travel Tips: Go With Your Gut! Examples: Listen To Your Intuition & Change Plans
Get Your Financial Sh*t Straight! — Section 4 (Chapters 35-41)
Book resources for Part 4 of The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad. It deals with money and budgets and how pivotal they are not only to a fairly stress-free life, but to a life of travel. Getting your financial sh*t straight may not happen overnight, but it needs to happen, and this section will give you the push to get on your way.
I went from $50k in debt to debt-free in 4 years and still use all of the tips and tools mentioned in this section to stay successful and travel indefinitely on a very meager income!
Chapter 35 – My “Oh Sh*t!” Financial Moment
Total Money Makeover – The book that changed my life and helped me get my financial sh*t straight!
Chapter 36 & 37 – Stop Treating Travel Like A Vacation & Redefine The Way You Value The Dollar
You can download my 30+ page Guide to Slow Travel here, which deep dives into more of the topics from this chapter.
Queretaro, Mexico Guide – A deep dive on how far your money can go in Mexico!
Chapter 38 – Get Rid Of Unsecured Consumer Debt
Total Money Makeover – The book that changed my life and helped me get my financial sh*t straight!
Chapter 39 – Track Your Spending…Like Daily
The Trabee Pocket app I use religiously to track my spending on a daily basis. Once you get the hang of it, it literally takes seconds every time you need to log something. The more you know my friend…
The Trail Wallet app I used to use (iOS only), but honestly, I prefer Trabee, and it’s on both platforms.
Chapter 40 – Start Travel Hacking
A deeper-dive article on getting started in travel hacking.
Let’s Get Physical! — Section 5 (Chapters 42-47)
Book resources for Part 5 of The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad. It deep dives into the repercussions of having too much clutter in your life and the clear correlation between having less and being able to travel more.
This is where things start to wade a little bit into the nomad end of the pool, since traveling more and more often leads to pursuing more experiences and less physical stuff.
Chapter 42 – Do You Own Your Things Or Do Your Things Own You?
A twisted little conversation I had with myself when I was considering selling my house and moving on to nomadic life.
A book I HIGHLY RECOMMEND if only for the chapter on dispelling the myths about how owning a home is an investment. I read this book 3 times in the first month after I discovered it!
Chapter 43 – Don’t Pay For Storing Your Stuff!
A cost of living calculator where you can compare the U.S. (or your country) to other countries around the world. This gives you a basic understanding, but end costs really depend on how you travel.
Should I Put My Stuff In Long-Term Storage To Travel? No. No. No…NO!
Chapter 44 – Who Needs This Much Underwear?!
The amazeballs tiny scanner I used to digify all of my old invoices, bills, etc. No, it wasn’t cheap, but the convenience and actually getting sh*t done was worth it. Consider regifting it or selling it for 75% of what you spent after you’re done.
You Might Have Too Much Underwear article that inspired this chapter.
Chapter 45 – The Carry-On Only Travel Revolution
The carry-on backpack I’ve used for years, since it fits most carry-on sizes in Europe, which tend to be a little more restrictive than in the U.S.
That one time I lost out on $2400 in airline vouchers because I actually checked my carry-on back. Womp-womp.
Space saving and smart tech and gear I use for carry-on only (scroll down the page).
Chapter 46 – Start Putting The “Digital” In Nomad
The amazeballs tiny scanner I used to digify all of my old invoices, bills, etc.
Deep dive article about the virtual mailbox service I use now that I’m nomadic.
Article about how to get rid of some of your physical junkmail.
Tough Love, Tips & Strategies To Help You Finally Kick-Start Your Travel Life…Or Go Full Nomad!
Been wondering how the hell all those digital nomads, location-independent travelers, and remote workers, travel “full-time?” Maybe you’ve thought about living that life one day, but you’re really not sure where to start.
Beyond giving you the stepping stones to dive into short-term domestic and international travel, this book will show you how long-term travelers extend those tools, maximize their budgets, and turn weeks into months…or even years…of traveling the world indefinitely.
Going Full Nomad! — Section 6 (Chapters 48-53)
Book resources for Part 6 of book. It introduces free long-term accommodations around the world. It also discusses the remote work revolution, long-term visas and visa-free places where you can visit (legally) for months at a time. There are also plenty of other tweaks that should be on your radar as you level up from a beginner at travel to a travel bad*ss!
Chapter 48 – Free Accommodations Around The World
Couchstays: Couchsurfing, BeWelcome, Servas, Trust Roots, Warm Showers…
Work & Farm Exchanges: Workaway, Worldpackers, WWOOFing (use code SQUASHBUCKLERS for $10 off yearly membership…while the code is active)
Housesitting: Trusted Housesitters, Nomador, House Carers, House Sit Mexico, Mind A Home, House Sit Match, Mind My House…
Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, United Nations Volunteers…
Coolworks is the best for finding seasonal jobs in the U.S.
While not free, I love using hostels when I travel, not only because they’re cost-effective, but because good ones have great community events, and I’m fairly introverted. This is where I start most of my searches for a hostel. And here’s a hostels 101 in case you’ve been thinking about trying but need some more info!
The Best Hostels I’ve Stayed At…& More Importantly Why They Make The List
Chapter 49 & 50 – The 9 To 5 Has Gone Remote & Travis Sherry On Side Hustles
Travis’ podcasts: The Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast and The Location Indie Podcast
Chapter 51 – The Schengen Zone…And Other Long-Term Options
An article on The Nomad Experiment with the explanation of the Schengen Zone. Another good explanation of Schengen Zone and requirements for U.S. citizens.
I use Google Fi for my phone plan, since I don’t have to change SIM cards when I’m overseas, and when I’m in the States, I usually save shittons monthly because of their pay for what you need plan.
Explore Portugal Travel Guides
Porto Travel Guide | Sintra Travel Guide | Guimaraes Travel Guide | Aveiro Travel Guide
Chapter 52 – Formal Visas & Digital Nomad Visas
U.S. State Dept. International travel page where you can look up countries and better understand your visa-free or visa requirements depending on how long you plan to travel.
An inspiration article if you’re now thinking about burning the boats and really going full nomad…
Have Fun Exploring!
Glad you’re here and glad you’ve enjoyed The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad! Please connect with me on Instagram and share a photo of your favorite spread from the book (add #thenomadexperiment). Can’t wait to hear where your travels have taken you, and more importantly, how those travels have helped you grow!
About Jason Robinson
Jason is the author of “The Beginner Traveler’s Guide To Going Nomad,” as well as the voice behind the words and the eye behind the lens for The Nomad Experiment. “Planning to travel at some point” wasn’t actually getting the job done, so nearing 40 he decided to make it a priority, nomatter how scary that was. A few years later—through the pandemic and a type 1 diabetes diagnosis at age 42—now living a life of nomadic travel, he’s speaking out to encourage others of any age, or with any serious medical diagnosis, to live an unconventional life.
Travel Planning Tips
Figure out where you are going & how are you getting there…
I suggest using at least 2 to 3 different travel search sites. Start with Skyscanner or Orbitz or Booking …or whatever aggregator site you prefer. Then when you see what airlines to use, check their respective sites for better deals or rewards flights.
Figure out where you’re going to stay…
If you’re interested in hostels, search Hostelworld or Hostelling International. For longer-term or more private digs, look at Airbnb, VRBO, or you can look for hotel rooms in the links from the search engines listed above.
Get comprehensive travel insurance, or in the least, travel medical insurance if internationally…
Especially with Covid not going anywhere, get covered. Start with an insurance aggregator like Insure My Trip, or with SafetyWing, World Nomads, or another. Then decide what is important to you; trip cancellation, baggage coverage, medical, or all of the above. And get a yearly evacuation plan, since you’ll have to get home after your emergency!
Need more resources? Click here!